Friday, December 14, 2007

The great camera drop

We've had a lot going on in the last couple of weeks, so I may not have been able to update the blog anyway....but if I had tried to I would have been unable b/c I dropped and broke our camera! Barclay and I were in New Orleans from Thurs to Sunday last week for Jordan and Diane's wedding (Barclays best bud from California). The girls stayed with mom and dad and had a blast. We missed them really badly. Their wedding was on Friday and it was beautiful. There were only 15 or so of us there, mostly Jordan's family. It was outside in a courtyard at the Ritz Carlton in the French Quarter. During the ceremony, some guy who looked familiar came out on his balcony and waived to everyone. He was about 20 feet above out heads I'd guess. Anyway, after he stood there for a while I mentioned to Barclay that he looked familiar. Barclay's comment was "that's b/c it's Billy Joel". So long story short, Billy Joel broke my camera - I tried to get a picture, dropped the camera on the tile floor, and crash bang, broken camera. We had a great time all weekend, though, that will go undocumented. We ate at nice restaurants, walked around the french quarter and the river markets, took a trolley ride to the garden district, etc etc....oh, and we drank too much b/c we were in New Orleans!

The week was crazy though b/c we got in at about 7:00 on Sunday then had to drive to the Haute to get the girls, drive back to Indy and go to work the next day, and the next and the next, etc. Then tonight we went to the girls' day care Christmas party at a place called the bounce zone. I do have pictures of that...I just have to figure out how to download still pictures from the video camera. So those will be posted later - just picture it....loads of bouncing 2 year olds! It was a neat place and definitely wore the girls out - they went to sleep as soon as we got home.
Tomorrow we have our wine tasting/food drive (hope people still come b/c it's supposed to snow hard) and then on Sunday we have Barclay's office's Christmas party. Can't catch our breath lately!


At 10:35 AM , Blogger THE SPURLOCK'S said...

HOLY CRAP!!! I am now part of your links!! I feel so loved.

At 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved indeed :)
- Carey


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