Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh yes Oh yes it's Spring Time!

So admittedly I've been a bit of a blog slacker lately! It's soooo hard to find the time for posts, though I do love the blog so I'm committed to keeping it up. Some day I'm going to print the whole darn thing and save it for the kiddos when they get older. Let's see...what have we been up to? On April 24th Barclay and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary with a date night and had dinner at Eddie Merlots. It's a fabulous steak house here in town - we go there every so often for big nights.

One day a couple of weeks ago we took the girls to Traders Point Creamery to check things out. It's out on the NW side of town. It's basically a little farm. The restaurant is in the loft of an old barn. They have yummy ice cream, cheeses, yogurt, etc....that they sell at the restaurant and in local grocery stores. The food is all organic - it was pretty yummy. After we ate we let the girls wander around and visit the cows and chickens. They do love the animaleees.

Last week we set the kiddie pool up for the first time. We had a few days in the 80s when it was warm enough to use it, but now it's chilly again. Hopefully this is our last burst of chilly weather and we'll be back in the heat soon! The girls wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture, but I tried :)

Other than that, we've been busy with work work work. Both around the house and at the offices. We've gotten some boards replaced on the house, cleaned gutters, laid mulch, weeded like crazy people, trimmed bushes, planted flowers, mowed a million times, etc etc. Spring is usually a pretty high maintenance time with our yard. And work has been absolutely c.r.a.z.y. for both of us. And I mean CRAZY! A girl needs a break! Today Barclay got 12 bottles of wine in the mail from one of his clients. That helped him feel a bit better about his schedule! Party at our house this weekend - or at least Abbie's coming on Friday and Saturday. We can say goodbye to a couple of those bottles!


At 8:54 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

I have been telling Joe forever that I wish I had a hard copy of the blog. It would be so awesome.

At 12:09 AM , Blogger Ariana said...

Forget hard copies, when are you guys coming to visit? I even got my parents in to see the DWTS show tomorrow and they turned it down. That could be you Carey!

At 7:53 PM , Blogger Carey said...

I KNOW! I want to come so badly. We were planning on June, but had some big unexpected expenses, so now we need to wait until Sept or October! Grrrr....maybe the next season?

At 4:40 PM , Blogger Abbie said...

heck yea you can expect those bottles gone-- here i come!

At 11:52 PM , Blogger Ariana said...

Sure. I'll find out when it starts.


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