Birthday Bash

Lily's birthday party was the last event of the weekend. I was so worn out after it all that I fell asleep at 8:30 last night. The party was really fun and we had decent weather - pretty lucky considering that it's been raining and cold all day today. Matt and Taryn were in town from Fairfax; Joe and Mel were here from Pensecola; and Barclay's grandpa and aunt Carol came up from Miami. So it was good to have the out of towners here to help celebrate. The pink car was her favorite present - she also got a leap pad; a new rocking horse for Po Po's house; learning dog; block puzzles, and lots of books. She's been so crazy playing with her toys last night and tonight that she just dropped right off to sleep at bed time instead of it being a struggle. So thanks everyone for the toys.
I'll put the pics on this one tomorrow. The site froze up when I tried to do it tonight.
These pictures are so good!
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