Baby updates
We've been running Grand Central Station out of our house since we got home from the hospital. Mom stayed until Saturday, Barclay's family was here most of the day Saturday, Abbie and Blake stayed Saturday night; Friends came over on Sunday, and Grandma just left. Grandma is so awesome...she brought by several days worth of dinners for us.
The first week we were home the weather was really bad - it even snowed! It's nice and warm now, though, so we're able to get outside and play.
Lily had her 18 month doctor's appt, and Addison had her 1 week appt yesterday. It was quite an experience to have both girls there at the same time. They screamed from 9:45- 11:00...the whole time we were there. The results were good though - everyone's healthy. Lily is a whopping 22 lbs, and Addy is already 7 lbs - 2 ounces more than her birth weight. I figure Addy should catch up to Lily by the end of the year :)
Lack of sleep is the only thing (besides my 30 extra pounds that stuck around after I delivered) that has been hard to get used to. We are trying to sneak in naps every chance we get, but that's rare b/c both girls don't like to sleep at the same time.
Awww, Addison is too cute :) I can't wait to meet her. Matt & I will be home the last weekend in May (for a wedding).
I love these pictures! Mike has been sleeping in his moses basket since we moved and it looks like he fits in his as well as Lily fits in hers! She is sooo cute. They both are!!! I can't wait to see them both!
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