Wednesday, October 08, 2008

No camera.....again!

Well, later this week we plan to purchase our 4th camera of the year. It's very sad actually. Let's relive the demise of our family cameras #1 - dropped on concrete during Jordan and Diane's wedding, #2 - dropped in toilette by Addison, #3 - stolen by cleaning lady. Yes, that's right...our cleaning lady stole our camera. Her boss fired her and is reimbursing us for the camera, but good grief people! Anyway, hopefully we'll have #4 before Lily's b-day, but I've asked Abbie to bring her camera with her this weekend just in case.

In the absence of pictures, I've chosen to copy Kris and Sandra's post and fill you all in on the girl's "stats":

Age: Addy - 18 months; Lily - 3 on Monday
Birthplace: Indianapolis, Indiana
Height: Sadly, I'm really not sure for either, but I know they're under 44 inches b/c that's the height requirement for a lot of rides at Disney (and they were under)
Favorite word: Addy - "mine"; Lily - okay, this question is impossible for Lily b/c she never stops talking.
Favorite Animal: Addy - dog; Lily - tigers, bears, t-rex, anything that roars.
Most yummy food: BANANAS - we go through 3 or 4 bunches of bananas in a week.
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheese. Anything else gets picked off.
Bedtime: Wake up between 6:30 and 7:00, Nap from 1-3, Bedtime at 8:30
Favorite activity: Addy - playing her her sandbox, brushing her teeth, running (new skill); Lily - singing, dancing, jumping, climbing, TALKING, playing dress up
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Irish, Chinese, Jamaican, German, English
Thoughts First Waking Up: Can we go outside?
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Do you Shower Daily: Summer - yes; Winter - no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
Do you get along with your Parents: Usually
Goal You Would Like To Achieve: Addy - minding (and talking); Lily -minding (and she wants to drive my car).
Must have: cup of juice


At 11:12 PM , Blogger Ariana said...

And that is why I get creeped out by people in the house when you're not there. Eew. So no chance of Barclay's birthday pictures, huh? Well, tell Abbie to bring her camera because I'm dying to see the ones from Lily's birthday! Otherwise, hope all is well. Miss you guys!

At 2:41 PM , Blogger THE SPURLOCK'S said...

Oh my Gosh! She stole your camera? Maybe she thought it needed a little extra cleaning..:-) I forgot to ask you how that was going, At least your getting to keep up with Technology with all the new cameras...mine is old and Chris won't let me get a new one :-(
I like the Stats thing...I'm going to have to copy that too...

At 8:25 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

I think you should give up on the camera idea and just get a disposable! Mike wants to drive my car too. He always says "Michael's turn, Michael's turn." I hope Lily has a great birthday. And as usual, our gift will be late:( Sorry about that! We miss you guys!

At 11:21 PM , Blogger Jeff, Katie and Gabby said...

You guys and camera's...I tell ya! I guess, if all else fails, you could invest in a million disposable ones and just have one for every event! LOL :-)Have a great time this weekend! We will miss you!

At 9:59 AM , Blogger Taryn said...

Well there goes my idea of getting a cleaning lady now ;) Matt really won't let it happen. haha. Sorry for the camera troubles.

At 10:43 AM , Blogger Carey said...

Sadly, we're keeping the cleaning lady (the company fired the thief and is reimbursing us)....even my trust issues don't trump my desire to have someone else clean my house!!!! Pitiful, I know.

ABBIE - blog and snapfish me the pictures of Lily's party! It's killing me to not have them!


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