Friday, December 09, 2005

Near Oops

We had a major snow fall yesterday afternoon and evening. It's beautiful outside, but makes driving a bit hazardous. Well, my friend called and needed a ride to Midas to pick up his car that's getting repaired. It was only 3:00 and the snow had only recently started falling, so I packed up the baby and headed out to get him before the snow got worse and rush hour hit. I didn't get very far when I realized the roads were already pretty darn bad. I was careful to stay WAY behind the cars in front of me and drive slowly. Despite that, I started slipping....I slipped for about 15 yards when I realized I had to hit the car in front of me or hit a mailbox. I opted for the mailbox....luckily, my prayer as I was doing all of this worked and the car, the baby, and I all escaped w/out a scratch. The mailbox just pushed the side view mirror in, but left no marks. At that point I was too freaked out to continue and called and bailed on my friend.
Turns out, the roads kept getting worse and worse. It was taking people more than 4 hours to make a 20-30 minute commute. Made me VERY happy that I wasn't back at work yet. Snow is much more fun when we're sledding in the Haute rather than trying to drive in the city.


At 4:01 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

YUCK! I miss Terre Haute, but I do not miss snow!!

At 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes, close call! You sure lucked out, but don't think it's any better in TH. The first big snow fall that we had, I was at work and by the time I got off the roads were really bad & I have no weight in my trunk so my back end fish-tails reeally easy. Luckily, I had no accidents, but it did take nearly an hour get home from LoneStar.


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