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Last week I felt ready to go back to work b/c the girls were running circles around me. This week, however, I'm back to loving maternity leave and the lack of anxiety that comes with it :) We spent some time in our wading pool since the neighborhood pool doesn't open until the end of the month. Lily just cracks me up with her "swimming". She goes head first down the slide, crashes, and gets up and does it again! Last night she even jumped in with her clothes
on when we were outside - and it was kind of cold!
Mom got us a child seat for my bike and Lily gets a real kick out of riding around in it. We were outside yesterday when Addy was taking a nap and Lily wanted to ride the bike. So, needless to say, we couldn't go anywhere since Addy was in the house. So we rode around and around the cul de sac for a good 15-20 minutes. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy, riding the bike around in circles!
Abbie and her boyfriend, Blake, spent the day with us today. I needed the extra set of hands to take both girls to the zoo. We had
We may go to see mom on Saturday for mother's day weekend, but with the price of gas I'm not sure. I'd love to see the new puppy though! Just in case, I sent gifts and cards home with Abbie. Either way, we'll be there soon. I can't wait to see everyone over memorial day. Sadly, Barclay won't be joining us - he has his 10 year (yes, I said 10 year) COLLEGE reunion that weekend. Wow!
I just love the Indy Zoo!! Looks like the girls had a good time :) See you soon!
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