Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Lilian!

Lily's birthday is tomorrow, but we celebrated big time on Saturday. Abbie took those pics. If we beg her, maybe she'll post the b-day party pics on her blog (PLEASE Abbie - just 2 or 3 of the kids and maybe the piniata ). For now, though, she sent them to me on snapfish so I have the hard copies. The weather was PERFECT - it was 80 degrees and the leaves were changing - a perfect combo of summer and fall. We went to Geist Park for the party, which was a perfect call. She had 8 of her little "people" at the party and we would not have been able to handle them in the house - we can hardly handle 2 of them in the house! We had a picnic shelter right next to the playground so the kids could run to their hearts content! The party was Dora themed, so everything was bright yellow and blue with a piniata! We had a lot of fun! We came back home to open presents b/c we had told the kids parents not to bring presents (only a few of them listened)....Lily got spoiled completely rotten. I'm actually a little worried that she gets too much and can't appreciate it all.

Anyway, she had a wonderful time and is thrilled that she gets to be the birthday girl for the whole weekend. It's very cute.


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