Monday, May 08, 2006

First Baby Birthday

This weekend we went to our first birthday party for a one year old. First of many, I'm sure. There were tons of babies there. I don't know half that many people with kids. It was wild. Lily was, of course, the cutest :) Nolan was the birthday boy and he smashed his face with tons of cake. Very cute.

We found out today that the people we were trying to buy the house from totally bombed. They have to declare bankrupcy. So the house will go into foreclosure. Because they owe so much on the place, it won't be a bargain when it goes to auction either. So we're withdrawing our offer and continuing the search. Sad stuff. I felt like I lost my puppy. We actually found another place that the house is in MUCH better shape, but the yard isn't as extraordinary. It's a really nice big private yard, but there's a busy road behind the tree line. The yard is still special, though, and loads better than we have now. So we'll see. We're looking at some more places tomorrow. Just want a yard for summer. Still no takers on our house...tell all your friends to come see our place if they want to rent or buy. Matt and Taryn, how long did it take you guys to sell your place? I feel like you at least had lookers. We've had ONE person look in over 2 weeks.


At 12:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We put it up in Aug and it sold in Dec I believe..or maybe Nov. Don't worry, yours will sell, just give it time. Maybe put in the buyers guide that Matt Haley is your brother. People love buying a place where a famous person has been.

At 8:49 PM , Blogger Taryn said...

Yes, We put it up in August and had an offer toward the end of November. Closed mid December. You could try an open house to get people in to see it. It didn't really work for our house because we were so far in the neighborhood. Be patient, it will sell!

At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, found another place. It's a more modern style, but really pretty darn cool. It's got 2 big porches that hang over into the wooded back yard. Plus, it has a 4 season sun room that is amazing. PLUS, it has an indoor/outdoor hot tub. Yeah! It's not really bigger than our current place, but the porches give a lot more living space. If they accept our offer we'll have the house before you guys come the first of June. Surely this one won't blow up in our faces like the last one :)

At 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SURELY it won't...and to think, I'll be back just in time to go borrow your hot tub...haha, hope everything is going ok with you guys.

At 8:50 PM , Blogger Taryn said...

wow, you are finding good homes quick! Keep us posted! Good Luck!

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW! it's all very fast - makes me kind of nervous. it'll all work out, though. we had to hurry b/c we paid the mortgage guy to lock in a rate and it was all contingent on us closing on May 26th. EEk! Ari, you're going to LOVE this hot tub. It's pretty cool

At 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

At 1:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.


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